Frequently Asked Questions
I have never been to this rodeo – what can I expect?
This is an all-natural rodeo bowl with no assigned seating and no bleachers. All seating is on a first come first serve on the open hillside. We encourage you to get there early and bring a blanket or lawn chair to sit on. Please also bring a jacket! Although it may be 90 degrees during the day, the temperature drops significantly at night. Kid’s Night starts with chute tours at 6:o0pm Thursday and after the rodeo there is an amazing fireworks display. On Friday and Saturday, your rodeo ticket gives you admission to the FREE arena concert immediately after the rodeo, featuring Lendon James and Weston Frank
Do you take credit cards?
Yes, tickets may be purchased at the gates with a credit/debit card. However, please bring cash for the concessions and vendors. There is also an ATM onsite.
Are there concessions or beer served?
Yes. We have several different concession booths with all different kinds of food, snacks, beverages and beer. All concessions are CASH only.
Can we bring a cooler?
No. Coolers are not allowed into the rodeo arena. Please click here for CSRodeo Arena Policies. Crystal Springs Rodeo, Inc. reserves the right to inspect contents of backpacks, coats, etc. anytime and confiscate if necessary.
Why no glass bottles or mowing campsites?
The Crystal Springs Ranch is a working ranch. Cattle graze on this hillside throughout the year. Glass and especially broken glass are a hazard for these and other animals. Crystal Springs Ranch is also under Grassland Easement. This area is protected to preserve the habitat quality of the lands for a varied array of wildlife, particularly waterfowl and threatened and endangered species. The USGFW mandates that we do not let anyone mow the grass in the campground.
Is there a charge for parking?
No. All parking is free and there are parking lot attendants directing you where to go. Please expect a wait line leaving the grounds at night.
Can I bring my dog?
We understand the ranch is an amazing place for a dog to run, but we ask that you keep your dogs in the campground area. No dogs are allowed in the arena fence.
Is there disabled seating and parking?
Yes, there is reserved handicap parking at the main Gate 1. There are volunteers to assist in parking and golf carts available to transport people to the seating area. All campers may drive their vehicles to the handicap parking area at Gate 1 or 2 if they need assistance.
What are the seats like?
Limited handicap and VIP/Reserved seating offers chairs. The rest is hillside with no assigned seating. Visitors may bring lawn chairs, blankets or tarps to sit on.
What time does the rodeo start?
Gates open at 5:30 PM. The Xtreme Bulls performance on June 21st starts at 7:30 PM. The rodeo performances June 27-29th start at 7:30 PM. Get there EARLY to get your seat!
What if it rains?
We show rain or shine!
What is the tarp policy?
No seat reservations (including tarps, stakes, ropes, etc.) will be allowed in the arena. Tarps can only be placed once the gates are open at 5:30 pm the night of the performance and must be removed at the end of the performance. Tarps must be occupied after placement or will be removed. Tarps placed prior to the performance, unoccupied tarps, or tarps remaining after the performance may be removed by Security.
Do you spray for mosquitoes?
Yes, the week prior to the rodeo, the ground is sprayed for mosquitoes.
Can I bring a horse?
Yes. Horses are allowed, but keep in mind the campground noise and traffic in the area. For safety reasons, we require owners to bring PANELS for their horses.
If I don’t want to camp where can I stay?
There are plenty of hotels and wonderful places to stay in the area! See Other Lodging Accomodations.
Is there any other place to camp other than on the rodeo grounds?
There are campgrounds located at the City Park in Clear Lake, Ulven Park on the east side of Clear Lake at Lake Cochrane and at Buffalo Ridge in Gary, SD.
What can I do during the day and what does Clear Lake and the surrounding community offer?
There are several community events in Clear Lake during the rodeo weekend. In addition, Clear Lake offers a beautiful 9-hole golf course, a swimming pool, several parks and lakes, a library, an area history museum and of course local shopping. Click here to see the CLEAR LAKE CHAMBER EVENTS
Lake Cochrane, Brookings, Gary and Watertown, SD are also close by and offer several amenities and attractions.
What events are at the rodeo?
Seven events each night: Bareback Riding, Barrel Racing, Bull Riding, Saddle Bronc Riding, Team Roping, Steer Wrestling, Tie-Down Roping. We also have FREE slack on Friday at 9am.
Is this a professional rodeo?
Yes. We are a PRCA (Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association), sanctioned rodeo.
Are the cowboys/cowgirls professionals?
Can I use my camera/camcorder?
Yes. However, PRCA Pro Rodeo does not allow the sale of any photos, audio, or video taken of the Pro Rodeo action without their express approval.
Do you have a refund policy?
Our current policy is that we do not offer ticket refunds under any circumstance. Because our event shows rain or shine our show will go on no matter what. If you feel your credit card was mistakenly charged or have any other payment issues, please contact the number or email listed on your electronic receipt or ticket homepage.